
Submitted Portfolio

A pic i took at MI's concert.. the obession of the gal's expression.. I simply love it..

The Flexibility dance..

The Arts of Life..

The cultural Experience

The path of River

Groovy Wave..

The sight of Life

The candle of light..

The Merlion..

The ENDLESS Buddha..

The golden Temple..

The lucky White Fish..

this was taken ard may..if i'm not wrong.. i saw the lucky white fish at Bangkok..

The path of light.. this was at Student's councillor graduation ceremony..

The guest wishes..

and here are the graduates..

The 4 main wedding.. the chinese wedding..

The malay wedding.. that's not a stage? Malay ppl what's that called? hmm..

Eurasian wedding..

Indian wedding..

Level among level..

Sex in the city

The starry temple..

The yellow orchid..

The strings of light..

this was taken at china town where the chinese new year are falling near..and ppl are buying their goodies..:P

The Red latern..

Pool of Lotus..

Flower among leaves..

The pineapple field..

this was taken at hainan island where i went for a volunteering work..

The greenery..

The 3 brothers..

The volcano park..

and that's zhi wen with his 'suicide'

and the most beautiful sunset.. i ever seen..

The above photos are my submitted portfolio to my CCA teacher.. look out at my portfolio..expect surprises.. ;)

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