
Protect the Greenery

Name: Mo Jun Xiang, Gary
Institution:Ite College Central [Bishan]
Title: Protect the Greenery
Description: Though of clearing forest, clearing the greenery for purpose like building Houses, high rised building and more, the government is still trying their best to protect the greenery. Given a chance to get close with the greenery isn't a bad thing. With the help of many volunteers, nature lovers still get to have such views. Getting close with the greenery with the climate changing wasn't bad idea afterall. As they say take nothing except pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time.

The 1st photo was disqualify because the resolution was not high enough..hmm..today learn alot of stuff.. like the way photo has to be take.. the way the resolution may be a problem.. hmm.. anyway hope this photo will be able to make it.

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