
Jan von holleben

The Peter Pan and Tinkerbell

The Pirats

The Diver

The Racers

The Acrobats

The Butterflies

The Astronauts

The Aladdin

The Strong Men

The Photographer

The Flipper

The Appleraiders

The Karate Kids

The Rocketeers

The Gardener

The Jumpers

The King Kong

The Ghostbusters

The Balloonflyer

The Flowerboys

The Giants

The Dracula

The Superman

The Tarzan and Jan

The Luke Skywalker

The Footballers

The Wizards

The Santa Claus

The Cliffhanger

The Dogrider

I'm expected to take such creative shots.. and the above photos are taken by Jan von holleben..hmm..what should i take?

For more info you can visit this website: http://www.janvonholleben.com

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