
Burning Kills Greenery

Name: Mo Jun Xiang, Gary
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Institution: Ite College Central [Bishan]
Title: Burning Kills Greenery
Description: Fire give us light, it protect us from the cold but it can also harm us. A big flame normally start small, and it kills. Burning kills greenery. The forest that we used to have, the greenery that was side by side with us, giving us the greenery environment were all gone, what left was replaced with high rise building, shopping centre and more. The social climate change causes the extinction of Greenery, the extinction of forest, the extinction of the world.

This is the photo i submitted for the climate change competition hold by NUS.. hmm..climate change..the social climate change that causes the greenery to be in extinction..

For more info, for this photography competition do visit: http://www.greencarnival.com/photo.html

Latest submission date is by 20Aug2008 2359hr

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