If you are keen to take part in the GEP Seminar 2009 Photo Contest, please take a few minutes to read through the THE FINE PRINTS:
1. This photography contest is open to all full-time ITE students.
2. Entries submitted shall be based on the theme “Embracing Global Diversity”.
3. All entries, in .jpg format, shall be sent to geps2009@gmail.com.
No other forms of submission will be accepted.
4. Each entry shall be accompanied by a caption with the following information:
a. Name of photographer / NRIC no. / Contact no.
b. College (Campus) / School / Dept / Class e.g. College Central (Yishun) / School of Engg / Aerospace Tech / YR0801Ac.
A short caption describing the photo (incomplete information will be disqualified.)
5. Shortlisted contestants will be contacted to submit the selected photo at a higher resolution, file size of at least 1 MB, for printing purpose.
Photos taken with handphones need to be of high resolution for printing in A4 size.
6. Each participant is allowed to submit a maximum of 3 entries.
Each participant, however, may only be awarded one prize.
7. Each entry must be the sole, original and unpublished work of the participant.
8. Minimal digital manipulation (e.g. enhancement of colour and contrast) of the entries is allowed.
9. The closing date for submissions is 16 January 2009.
Entries received after the deadline will not be accepted.
10. All winners will be notified by the contact number given by the contestants in the email.
11. The decision of the panel of judges is final and no correspondence will be entertained.
12. The Organising Committee reserves the right to disqualify any re-used entry that has already been awarded prizes in other photographic competitions or any entry that does not adhere to the entry requirements.
13. ITE reserves the right to own the copyright of the winning entries and to use the submitted entries according to what the Institution deems fit.
14. Submission of entry signifies the acceptance of the above terms and conditions.